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Sunday, August 26, 2018

My thoughts on religion

I'm an Agnostic but believe everyone should believe in what they want.  I'm not writing this to try and change your mind, I have just had people ask me why I don't know if there is a God.  Also with all the tension in the past couple years bubbling up, not only dividing us politically but also religiously.

I was born with a Jewish father and a Catholic mother, neither were very religious.  We celebrated all the holidays, I went to church on Christmas and we'd have Jewish holidays at families houses but that's about it.

I've always been Agnostic.  It's not like I believed one day and didn't another, religion never made sense to me.  As I grew older my thoughts became more ingrained, talking to religious people, hearing preachers and rabbis talk about the bible, just never made sense.  A God that loves all, and knows all, but has a heavy fist expects you t pray for him?  I always thought if there is a God that he would know you're a good person and that would be good enough.  Also, he wouldn't penalize you for not believing in him.  When you die, if there is a heaven you'd go there and he'd basically say "see, I'm real and heaven is real" and then I'd say "I was wrong, I"m sorry" and that would be good enough.  See in my mind being a good person, treating people well is what he would want, but then preachers say you have to believe in him which to me is a contradiction.

The other thing that bothers me about is in some religions there is a way to get out of being good.  You can do confess and your absolved of all the bad things you've done.  Someone can kill, rape, molest and still go to heaven?  So if there is a heaven and a God he expects these people to be good?  I hear heaven is supposed to be your every dream.  So these bad people will be able to murder, rape and molest in heaven?  So if Hitler confessed before killing a ton of Jews, he can kill more Jews in heaven?  Doesn't sound right to me.

Now Christians also believe in Hell and they say the Devil is evil.  They say he makes people do bad things and makes deals and such.  I've heard devil worshipers talk and a lot of them say the Devil is just the gatekeeper of Hell, the warden of Hell.  He doesn't make people do bad things, he wants people to be good, but he wants to make sure that bad people stay in Hell. 

To me, it would make more sense to believe in the Devil because he wants to make sure bad people get what they deserve while God, on the other hand, will let people get away with murder if they confess.  Maybe the Devil has been taken all wrong or maybe God is afraid that the Devil will take over and everyone will live in peace because he'll punish all the bad people? In other words, maybe God is masquerading as a good loving entity while he's not and he's saying the Devil is bad because he wants people to do bad things.  Or maybe God said there is a Hell where bad people go and they automatically thought the Devil is bad as well?

I'm an Agnostic though and think that maybe the bible was just written to scare people.  Know one knew of making regular laws, so instead they made stories to scare people into being good...which didn't work obviously.   Religion could have been started to keep people in line. 

The other idea is there were hallucinogenic plants back then, people didn't know what mushrooms to eat and what foliage was good, they would just eat.  Maybe they hallucinated (had what the Indians call a vision quest) and they believed what they saw was true, write it down and the bible was born. 

There are many religions because before the bible was written the stories were told by mouth and the more the stories were told the more they changed and people believe different stories.  Later religions were made just to make money or just out of spirituality.  Or maybe its people brains trying to make sense of religions that don't make sense so they make their own that makes sense to them.

Now being an Agnostic I don't know if there is a God or not.  I'd like to think a loving God would understand that and be ok with it as long as I'm a good person.  Unless religion was warped and to get people scared into believing they say "believe or go to Hell" when that's far from the truth?  Also, I don't know if I'd want to believe in a God that allows you to confess and be absolved.  That could have been made up too, or maybe it's for minor things like stealing food and not for major crimes like murder?  People believe what they want to, what they think fits their way of thinking.  If a murderer hears he can be absolved if he confesses, he may think "why not, what do I have to lose?".  I've heard people say they believe "just in case".  In my mind, if I have to jump through hoops to go to heaven then I won't go to heaven.  I'll be a good person and if that isn't enough then so be it.  I won't be fake "just in case".

That's just my opinion.  You can believe in whatever you want, just respect other peoples beliefs (or lack of).

Friday, August 10, 2018

Why I hate apple

I've never been an apple user.  I had an ipod but it crashed when I bought it and it took 5 referbes before Best Buy gave me a new one that worked.  I never liked the dial, I have over 15,000 songs and using that dial was a pain in my ass.  I kept it because it was a 120GB and it fit all my songs, I don't want to use my phone as a player also because of battery drain and other reasons.

I came up with a thought about apple recently that might seem controversial and most apple fans may not believe.  That is that apple has made little flaws in their devices on purpose.  Think about it.  I've dated and been friends with girls that have had bad relationships, ones where their boyfriends tried to control them.  A couple were abusive and they'd hit her and then later say "I love you" and then one even said "you'll never find better than me".  All these were assholes playing mind games.  I think apple does the same.  They make little flaws in their devices and then say "you're holding it wrong", they blame the user for their own mistakes and then I saw a video of someone who fixes apple products and he said that after reading help blogs that users start bashing people who have issues (or maybe they're apple employees, who knows).  The new keyboard stopped working and the answer would be "blow air in it every once in a while", and if the person wanted to do graphics intensive work on their macbook that later over heated and threw out an error the answer would be "Why are you trying to do that on a laptop"?

After hearing this and other people tell me issues about apple I came up with this theory.  apple will say they're the best, they don't get virus' (which now they do), and still have these things that are broken in their devices as a form of mind control.  Since its illegal to use subliminal messaging, they can do this and its legal.   Make little "mistakes" in their devices, when people find them and complain say its their fault, but "we're the best and you'll never find anyone else".  When a device breaks the user buys anther if apple says they can't fix it.   So the users will buy a new iphone every year that fixes an issue with the past one, they'll buy a new mac when their mac breaks...etc.  Now all the while people like me have just been upgrading my PC for the past 5 years (more RAM, better graphics card) instead of buying a new PC.  I can buy a $1000 laptop instead of a $2500 macbook (with that crappy keyboard).  I can buy an Android or Windows tablet which works fine instead of an ipad.  The plus about this is I know I'm not being used as a human ATM by apple, I know I'm not being mind fucked. 

Sure there may be some issues with any OS you use, but the freedom of not being under apples thumb and dealing with their BS is awesome!  apple is now a trillion dollar company because they're the best at mind control.  If apple comes out with a car, or TV, or dishwasher, most of the fans will buy them and they'll probably have the little flaws and they'll probably tell the user they're doing something wrong.  A company should take responsibility for their mistakes, and most do, but apple never has.  Also every company sees a feature another company put in their device and copies has done it, jobs even admitted to it, apple is the only one that really complains and sues.  apple steals the best ideas from other companies while recently others have taken the worse of apple (lack of headphone jack, glass back...i just hope the next isn't the removal of the fingerprint reader for face ID only).

One other thing.  apples business practices building devices.  We've all heard of foxconn and the majority of iphones and ipads are made there.  foxconn makes billions of dollars off of making apple devices but their worksers make almost nothing, and the work and housing conditions are horrible.  They're so bad that foxconn had to put nets around their buildings because workers were jumping off of them (I'm guessing where other apple devices are made the conditions aren't much better).  I know other device makers use foxconn and other manufacturers to make their devices too, but apple is the biggest user, if other companies left foxconn, they could say "who cares" because foxcon makes a huge chunk of money off of apple.  BUT if apple decided to tell foxconn to change their business practices or apple will leave, foxconn would really have to think of this.  ALSO apple could have given some of their own money to these poor people who make their devices (or at least to their families if the workers would be afraid how foxconn would react).  So many apple users either don't think of this or they think "its only China, they repress their people anyway so why should we care about them".  Well because they're humans like us and apple could probaly fix the issue and make these people happier.  apple doesn't care and thats just another reason they're a trilion dollar company.  Making money off the repressed.

The government needs to go after apple because they are using anti-competitive tactics.  They went after Microsoft. The thing is trump loves dictators and apple is a dictator to their users.  He said he's going to try and get apple to make their COMPUTERS in the US.  Well their computer business is the smallest bit of the company.  Plus with the new tariff's will other companies want to sell their products to apple if they make their macs in the US?  If companies like Samsung and LG were smart they wouldn't sell the apple anyway, without them apple would be hurt, if they found some smaller company to make their screens, RAM and such the quality would probably not be as good and maybe then the apple fans would wake up...then again maybe not. 

I know a lot of people who read this will probably give it a thumbs down and say I'm wrong and call me names, but this is my opinion and I can care less if you disagree with me.  If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong and I'd admit it if I found out 100%, but what if I'm right?  Then all the apple users are being brainwashed.  Most don't even look at other devices.  BUT now I've seen some videos of people who have made the switch and they're happy...they're woke.  BUT if I am right most apple fans would never admit it.  Anyways, we may never find out the truth, so either believe my theory might be true or not.  I can care less, but I think apple is really a cult.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

An open post to Donal Trump

Donald Trump, I used to just find you amusing, someone who's gone bankrupt a few times and still happens to land on his feet making a reality show. I watched a few episodes, it was amusing, having people do challenges and firing them (which I think you enjoyed the most...besides seeing yourself on TV and hearing your own voice). I couldn't take it seriously so I got bored and stopped watching it.

Now you're running for President. I don't think you're doing it because you think you can make the country better, but its just another notch on your belt.  If you win you'll treat your presidency like a reality show.  You'll make sure you're on TV as much as you can, you'll put down people who don't like you and you'll be one big joke.

You call Hilary Clinton "Crooked Hilary" when you're the one who’s corrupt, immoral and with unethical business practice.   Trump college is a total scam and you should go to jail for it. The only way you can make money is by licensing your name (who gave you that idea, I doubt it was yours). What wouldn't you do to make money?

You'll be known as the worst president we’ve ever had.  I thought George Bush Jr. was bad, you'll top him by a mile. You on the other hand are arrogant, pompous, and you won't listen to your Cabinet because you'll always think you're better than them.  That's dangerous because if someone pisses you off, get rid of them in “The Apprentice” fashion, in front of of the nation on camera and publicly state “You’re Fired”.  Actually I think you'll get bored before your first term and want out.  I don't think being president is going to be as fun as you think it is. All the meetings, and reading, and paper work, you're not going to just be able to sit in the oval office and give orders and act like big man on campus.  See the president is only as good as the people around him and if he/she listens, understands and is able to make good decisions based on the advice he/she's given. The presidency isn't just one person who thinks he can be president its someone who cares enough about the country he/she is president of.  The ones who just want power they're tyrants and that's what you'll be. You'll try and put fear into the people below you, you'll fire them when they don't agree and you'll do what you want and not whats best for the American people.

In the end I think even the Republican party is going to wish they had never voted you in and every Republican is going to wish they never voted for you. They'll see you're a loose canon and they won't be able to control you but if they try and have you impeached that would make them look bad so they'll just wait till your term is over (like I said above I don't think you'll last that long) and your reign will be over.  The thing is after your presidency I don't think the people will trust the republican party anymore (after Bush I'm surprised they still do).  You will be good for comedians though because you'll be the brunt of every joke on ever stage and every comedy show in the world.

The best thing that can happen is Hilary will become president because if you do, we're screwed.  Hilary Clinton is our best choice for president. She may not be perfect, but no one is.  We've never had a perfect president because people are flawed. Hilary seems to really care about the American people and she seems to want to make this country a better place.

The only thing I see wrong with Hilary Clinton becoming president is like Barack Obama the Republicans may try and stop everything she wants to do.  It won't be because she's a Democrat, Republicans and Democrats have begrudgingly worked together for a long time.  Its because of what she is.  Republicans didn't want to work with Obama because he's black and they may not want to work with her because she's a woman. Unfortunately to Republicans (and even some Democrats) the presidency should be a white mans job. Its not who's best for the job, but the color of "HIS" skin.  I hope I'm wrong with Hilary, I really would like to see her succeed.  Obama did some good things, but he definitely had hurdles in his way (hurdle more like landmines).

Donald, just give up. Throw in the towel now. I don't think you'll win, I think the people on the fence are starting to see the type of person you are (or they're getting bored of you).  But its better to be safe than sorry, just give up now.  Sure the Republican party may get upset with you, but the rest of us may gain a tiny big of respect for you (probably not, but worth a try).  Over time you'll be a footnote in history instead of being in every history book as being a terrible president.  Is that really the legacy you want to give to your kids and grand kids You take the chance that your family name will be shamed and no one will want to do business with a Trump anymore.  You won't even be able to license your name anymore, you'll be untouchable.

I doubt you'll ever read this but if you do you'll probably get pissed and have a tantrum that some guy you don't even know is writing bad things about you.  Deep down though I think you know what people say about you is true.  The truth just hurts and instead of reading something like this and looking at yourself and trying to change yourself, you think you're perfect and I'm the asshole.  Well you can call me an asshole, I don't care, because I don't care what you think of me.

Monday, November 12, 2007

About Rant Hell

I crated this blog because I like to rant. I read blogs and post in comment areas.  I have discussions with friends and family.  Some of the rants I post on here will have to do with what came from those discussions.  Some are just from what I see in everyday life.

Let the rants begin!